Fruit of the Mystery: Patience
Christ begins his final walk to Calvary, the place of crucifixion, bearing his own cross upon his back.
John 19:14-17 It was the Day of Preparation, about the sixth hour. 'Here is your king,' said Pilate to the Jews. But they shouted, 'Away with him, away with him, crucify him.' Pilate said, 'Shall I crucify your king?' The chief priests answered, 'We have no king except Caesar.' So at that Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. They then took charge of Jesus, and carrying his own cross he went out to the Place of the Skull or, as it is called in Hebrew, Golgotha.
Knees bent under the weight of the cross, Christ sets out with weary acceptance to walk the Via Dolorosa, the path of sorrows. Behind him, a soldier armed with a fearsome lance does not hold back from administering further beatings, watched by another officer. As if to emphasise Christ's kingship, the artist has dressed him in robes of rich purple and red. His outer garment is embroidered with the symbol ihs, the first three letters of the Greek form of his name, IHSOUS.
The scroll in the bottom light reads Bajulans sibi crucem exivit (bearing his cross he went forth).
The inscription at the foot of the window reads: Pray for the repose of the souls of John Hatton Peet killed in war 26th October 1917 and of Mary Ellen Hatton Peet died 23rd August 1928. R.I.P.