Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Kirk Whincup
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Jo and Jerry McCann
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Minnie Taylor (32nd Anniversary)
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Rebecca Coriam
Monday 24th March: Ferial: II Kings 5:1-15; Psalm 41; Luke 4:24-30
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Alex Barnes
1.05 pm: University Chapel: Weekly Mass for University Students and Friends
Tuesday 25th March: The Annunciation of the Lord: Is 7:10-8:10; Ps 39; Heb 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Thomas Finn
Wednesday 26th March: Ferial: Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; Psalm 147; Matthew 5:17-19
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: John and Vera Clyne
Thursday 27th March: Ferial: Jeremiah 7:23-28; Psalm 94; Luke 11:14-23
10.00 am: Overleigh: Interment of Ashes for the late Kenneth Cambes
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Thanksgiving – Huw and David
Friday 28th March: Ferial: Hosea 14:2-10; Psalm 80; Mark 12:28-34
8:30 am: St Werburgh’s: Dilys Ball (13th Anniversary)
12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Wedding of James Charters & Lucianna Jeffries (Mgr David Charters)
7.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Stations of the Cross led by the High School
Saturday 29th March: Ferial: Hosea 5:15 - 6:6; Psalm 50; Luke 18:9-14
10.00 am: HMP Berwyn: Mass for Prisoners, Staff and Visitors
10.30 am – 12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Confessions
1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Wedding of Sam Gillick & Gundega Skobe
3.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Choir’s Lenten Reflection – The Passion through the Eyes of the Women
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Carol Miller (7th Anniversary)
Joshua 5: 9-12; Psalm 33; 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21; Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Carol Miller (7th Anniversary)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Deceased Members of the Gidney Family
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Gregory Stuart Phillips (Birthday Remembrance)
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Youth Mass: Kevin & Dolores Coriam
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Mark Fuller, Wendy O’Brien, Jimmy McCahy, Kath Stanton, Brian Boardman Jnr, Bill Hackett, Stuart Clark, Ruth O’Kane and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish and for those who have died recently, especially Colin Rankin, Joan Hall, Kenneth Cambes and Jane Hasrrison; and those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Angela Pavia, Mary Smith, Michael Bird, Maureen Newton, Michael Feeney, Edna Smith, Susan Lofthouse, Cath Thompson, Margaret Keenan, Catherine Bottomley, Joe Stockton, Norah Williams, Alan Baines, Eleanor Clay, Phyllis Kerrison, George Wilson, Alice Hignett, Sylvia Pritchard, Patricia Davies, Urcina Hernandez, Pope John Paul II, David Ollerhead, Paddy Elliott, Maureen Farrell, Lee Jennings and Sandra Roberts. RIP
Live Streaming Link:
SVP: Countess of Chester Chaplaincy: 01244 364543.
St Werburgh’s is part of the Diocese of Shrewsbury: Registered Charity No 234025.
Safeguarding: Liz Aiello: 07813743723 and Chris Proudfoot: 07711495070
Please join the Choir and Musicians of St Werburgh's for a musical Lenten Reflection: Rend & Mend: The Passion reflected in song through the eyes of the women there. 3.00 pm, Saturday 29th March, St Werburgh's, Chester.
A new more powerful microphone has been installed. If anyone still mutters, they will be shot at dawn!!
Grosvenor Place Birkenhead CH43 1UA.
Friday 2nd May 2.00-3.30 pm.
Please join. Sign up at the back of Church. All welcome.
Saturday 5th April, 10.30 in St. Werburgh's Church followed by refreshments. Everyone is warmly welcome.
Please help us prepare for the next Mass by putting your newsletter , hymn sheet and prayer card in the appropriate tray as you leave.
Are you over 18 and looking to meet fellow parishioners? Join us for our Young Adults Gathering on Friday, April 25th at St Werburgh’s at 6:00 pm for an evening of connection, conversation, and community! All are welcome – bring a friend!
Day Chapel every 2nd Wednesday of each month, 1.15 to 2.45 pm from now until July, resuming in September.
With the nice weather, it's time to get in the garden, and the SVP is holding its yearly garden glove sale to help you, Sunday 6th April after every Mass! All the money collected will support the activities of the SVP.
7.00 pm, in St Columba’s, to reflect on the role and purpose of the Hospitality and develop a more unified vision. All members welcome. Please email secretary if you would like to attend.
We meet online on Thursdays at 20:00. So, if you’d like to join us you are more than welcome. Please send us an email and we can send you the link for the meeting. We aim to reach people from all nationalities that are part of Chester catholic community. The rosary is also prayed in different languages, if required. Email:
Mass is celebrated on the first Thursday of each month in the hospital chapel. April’s mass will be celebrated by Fr Paul Shaw on Thursday 3rd April 2025 at 12:15 pm. This mass is for all the staff, patients, patient families, volunteers and parishioners of our area
Also during Lent the Stations of the Cross will be prayed in the chapel at 12:15 pm each Thursday.
As well as preparing for our Easter Table we were treated to an interesting and amusing Talk given by David Huxley. David shared his boyhood memories of his family life in the countryside and also entertained us with his football anecdotes. This coming Wednesday there will be more knitting, natter and sewing as we charge ahead with our bunnies and chicks. Not forgetting GOM dominoes and Joe’s football up-date!
Thursday 15th - Saturday 14th May and Thursday 14th - Saturday 23rd August. There are vacancies for a Doctor (in May), a nurse on each Group and helpers, and for sick and disabled pilgrims. The cost is £1,360 which includes Travel Insurance. Nurses and those under 25 in FTE are asked to pay £660. Contact Tony Murphy on 07881-656-974 or
Come along to the Catholic-Islamic Bake Sale after each Mass on Sunday March 23rd to nab yourself a pastry or two! All proceeds will go directly to Mary's Meals, and there will be allergen-free goods available so all can enjoy! Cash preferred, card accepted.
17th March: they lurved my Guinness & Daffodil Soup!
Week Three were the Thomas Burke Stations. Next Friday, 28th March, we welcome many students from our High School for their amazing Living Stations. Do come along, everyone, and give them a great welcome and our full support. 4th April – Lampedusa Stations.
Just look at all those young musician – fabulous! Do come and join us next Sunday evening.