St Werburgh's Roman Catholic Parish, Chester

Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

Fruits of the Mystery: Grace of a Happy Death, True Devotion towards Mary

At the end of her time on Earth, Mary, mother of Jesus, is taken up body and soul into Heaven.

The Window

Mary, as always robed in blue, is borne aloft on the arms of two angels. As she rises through the firmament, a heavenly light is cast on her from above. At the top of the window, two more angels greet her arrival with harp and with cymbals.

The scroll in the bottom light reads Assumpta est Maria in caelum (Mary is taken up into Heaven).

The inscription at the foot of the window reads: Hoc est donum in gratias agentis quod in Eccesiam Catholicam accepta est (this has been given in thanks by one who was received into the Catholic Church).

The Rosary
Third Glorious Mystery
Fifth Glorious Mystery