A series of twelve meetings for non-Catholics who would like to find out more about the Catholic Church.
Fortnightly in the Parish House on Wednesday evenings, 7.30-9.00pm
Class I: Wednesday 19th September | Class VII: Wednesday 12th January |
Class II: Wednesday 3rd October | Class VIII: Wednesday 16th December |
Class III: Wednesday 17th October | Class IX: Wednesday 30th January |
Class IV: Wednesday 31st October | Class X: Wednesday 13th February |
Class V: Wednesday 14th November | Class XI: Wednesday 27th February |
Class VI: Wednesday 28th November | Class XII: Wednesday 13th March |
The sessions are led by Fr Paul and a team of Catechists: Jean, Anne, Pat, Syd, Neill, Steve and Simon.
The sessions are discussions of the main points of the Catholic Church and Faith, all of us sharing our understanding together.
The sessions are fortnightly over six months to allow plenty of time for prayer, reflection and one-to-one chats.
At the end of the course, every participant has complete freedom to decide if this is for them or not.
Interested? Contact Fr Paul for an initial chat, by phone (01244 350236), email (werburgh465@btinternet.com) or post (St Werburgh's, Grosvenor Park Road, Chester CH1 1QJ).