The soldiers of the Royal Welsh (1st Battalion) stationed at Dale Army Camp were involved in a posting to Afghanistan during much of 2012. St Werburgh's is pleased to count them among our Parishioners, and to unite as a Parish in supporting both them and their families and relatives at home. We pray for those members of our Armed Forces that we place in harm's way, with the expectation that they will undertake their duty of service and protection to bring to us security and safety. We pray especially that their missions may contribute to a true and lasting peace in those troubled regions where they serve.
Following the Drumhead Service on 21 February 2012, prior to the battalion's deployment, the battalion padre, Major Simon Farmer, asked for our continuing support and special prayers for the soldiers and their families throughout the mission. During the tour of duty, we maintained a perpetual candle on the War Memorial Altar, and a Prayer Board for the soldiers' special intentions. We shall continue to keep them in mind and recognise their efforts, and the conditions under which they work, in a small photographic gallery.
Padre Simon's set of prayer intentions was as follows: