Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Edward Kennedy
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Maria Prez (Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Charles Barnes (Anniversary)
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Matthew Wilcock
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: David Scragg (L.D., Toronto)
Monday 17th February: Ferial: Genesis 4: 1-15, 25; Psalm 49; Mark 8: 11-13
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Cynthia Smith
1.10 pm: University Chapel – Weekly University Mass – All Welcome!
Tuesday 18th February: Ferial: Genesis 6: 5–8; 7: 1-5; 10; Psalm 28; Mark 8: 14-21
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Thanksgiving (CC)
Wednesday 19th January: Ferial: Genesis 8: 6-13, 20-22; Psalm 115; Mark 8: 22-26
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Maureen Whelan (L.D., Birkenhead)
Thursday 20th February: Ferial: Genesis 9: 1-13; Psalm 101; Mark 8: 27-33
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Thanksgiving (KE)
Friday 21st February: Ferial: Genesis 11: 1-9; Psalm 32; Mark 8:34 – 9:1
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Peter Meredith
Saturday 22nd February: Chair of St Peter: 1 Peter 5: 1-4; Psalm 22; Matthew 16: 13-19
10.00 am: HMP Berwyn: Mass for Prisoners, Staff and Visitors.
10.30 am - 12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Confessions
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Christopher Cheetham (L.D.)
1 Samuel 26: 2, 7-9, 11-13, 22-23; Psalm 102; 1 Corinthians 15: 45-49; Luke 6: 27-38
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Christopher Cheetham (L.D.)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Evelyn Hughes (3rd Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Anne Woodhouse (4th Anniversary)
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Denis Hickey (Birthday Remembrance)
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Mark Fuller, Wendy O’Brien, Jimmy McCahy, Kath Stanton, Brian Boardman Jnr, Bill Hackett, Stuart Clark, Ruth O’Kane and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Mary Burgess, Valerie Paterson and Martha Child; and those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Josephine Owens, Margaret Connolly, Bernard Flaherty, John Axon, Mary Barr, Kathleen Vickers, Winifred Swaine, Garry Nelson, Mary Lambert, Harry Keyzor, Peter Melia, Eric Muldoon, Dorothy Welch, Fred McClelland, Joe Dunne, Kathleen Ward, Bob Ward, Bernie Clark,
Irene Whitehouse, Winifred Morris and Paul Power, Peter Chesterman, John McMahon, Jennifer Sherwood,
June Grimes, Nancy Jenkins, Barbara Rimmer, Thelma McGowan.
May They All Rest in Peace.
Live Streaming Link:
SVP: Countess of Chester Chaplaincy: 01244 364543.
St Werburgh’s is part of the Diocese of Shrewsbury: Registered Charity No 234025.
Safeguarding: Liz Aiello: 07813743723 and Chris Proudfoot: 07711495070
Do come and join us in our Brook St Club for our usual very enjoyable annual Parish Social. John lays on a super buffet, your free ticket entitles you to your first drink free (the other ten you have to pay for) and there’s the usual stupid FP quiz. Children & families very welcome. See you all there, to toast St Werburgh.
Super meeting last Sunday, hosting the Keele University CathSoc and their Chaplain, Neill. Tonight, it’s Rosary and Spoons [what that? Ed] and next Sunday, our ever-popular journey into Ancient History, “Meet the Wrinklies”. Softened food available.
The 2025/26 envelopes are available at the back of church, starting Sunday 6th April. If you use envelopes, please collect yours as soon as possible. Thank you.
Come and support this women-led, ecumenical and international service. Salvation Army, St Anne Street, 10.30 am, Friday 7th March. All welcome. Even men.
If you make a purchase, however small, on behalf of St Werburgh’s, you should claim those expenses back using our new expenses claim form (with instructions) which you can find in a plastic folder on the sacristy window ledge. Once the claim is in, you’ll receive a cheque.
Port Sunlight “Pride & Prejudice”, 6th March 7.30 pm, in support of the SVP Holiday Home. If you want to book your seat please leave your details on the notice board or e-mail Marco or call 07802 644456.
Saturday 22nd February, 10.00 am for 10.30 start till 3.30 pm. St Mary’s Centre, Handbridge. In preparation for Lent, led by Nick Helm, retreat guide and spiritual director. Tea, coffee & sandwich lunch provided.
Following on from our Getting Involved Invitation, we had a good number of expressions of interest in prayer groups. So, we’d like to explore a new group to be held in Church once a month. If you’re interested, email Lyn to meet up & discuss.
You may have received an email purporting to come from me last week containing this sentence: “I need you to discreetly manage a request from me” and asking you to contact me. You spotted it was a fake immediately: when have I ever splat an infinitive and when, dear parishioners, have I ever been “discreet”?
Contents been there an awfully long time, including nice array of crinolines and spats. Check it out, as next week, it’s all going to be disposed of.
Everyone warmly invited to come along next Thursday for our detailed planning for Lent, Holy Week & Easter.
St Columba's, Saturday 1st March at 2.00 pm.
Another busy WW with progress made on our Easter Project and the Domino Marathon. This coming week we look forward to a talk from one of our own parishioners, Tony Proctor, an account of the way an old pocket watch can bring life to the fascinating story of a family’s history. Come and join us in the Day Chapel 10 -12 Wednesday 19th February. Everyone welcome, especially anyone who’s never been before.
Our new garage side door will have undercoat but needs a topcoat to finish it off. Can anyone wield a paintbrush Wed, Thurs or Friday this coming week?
A brisk four-miler, along the riverbank to under the A55, up through Jubilee Woods to Eaton Road, then back home along Duke’s Drive for tea. Meet at Parish House 2.00 pm. Everyone warmly welcome!
Further details of which can be found via the link:
Deputy Director of Schools Advert or contact Liam Dowds, our Advising Consultant, 01737 652 043 or email
7.00 pm Every Friday Evening
Thursday 27th February, 7.30 pm, is our next 150th Planning Meeting. Everyone warmly invited to come as we discuss the proposals and make decisions together. Some of you spotted that we weren’t entirely serious about the 150,000-domino run right round church. But we kid you not, we have sourced a Lego Model church. Cynics and doubters, come along and eat your words…
Details can be found on the Diocesan website Latest Vacancies - Diocese Completed applications to be sent to by 21/2.
It’s a Charity Concert in aid of Parkinson’s Research UK, and is full of wonderful Popular Choral Classics, from Sixteenth Century Motets to Twentieth Century Songs from the Shows. Some very talented youngsters will also be performing, Henry with Bach unaccompanied Viola, and Adam with the Saint-Saens Clarinet Sonata. Something for all!
The theme was “Come to me, all you who are overburdened, and I will give you rest”. We welcomed wonderful numbers to a very joyous Mass. Thanks to everyone who helped, an excellent SVP/Parish joint project – musicians, caterers, readers, everyone!
The new Lectionaries, all ready for unwrapping, First Sunday of Advent last year.