Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Marjorie and Martin Whyte
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Peter Meredith
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Angela Cummins (L.D. Bristol)
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Jenson Alexander Doak
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: The Old Nuisance (15th Anniversary)
Monday 30th December: Sixth Day of Christmas: I John 2, 12-17; Psalm 95; Luke 2, 36-40
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Ana and Leo Gasparini (20th Wedding Anniversary Thanksgiving)
Tuesday 31st December: Seventh Day of Christmas: I John 2, 18-21; Psalm 95; John 1, 1-18
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Kathleen Rivas (102nd Birthday Remembrance)
Midnight: St Werburgh’s: Mary Ann Hutchinson (3rd Anniversary)
Wednesday 1st January: Mary, Mother of God: Numbers 6, 22-27; Ps 66; Gal 4, 4-7; Luke 2, 16-21
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Patrick Regan
Thursday 2nd January: SS Basil and Gregory: I John 2, 22-28; Psalm 97; John 1, 19-28
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Tom and Bonnie Watson
Friday 3rd January: Friday of the Christmas Season: 1 John 2,29 – 3,6; Psalm 97; John 1, 29-34
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Frank McNamara
1.30 pm: St Paul’s Helsby: Funeral Service for Katleen Richardson
Saturday 4th January: Saturday of the Christmas Sesason: I John 3, 7-10; Psalm 97; John 1, 35-42
11.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Memorial Service for Ann Massey
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Ann Massey (L.D.)
Isaiah 60, 1-6; Psalm 71; Ephesians 3, 2-6; Matthew 2, 1-12
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Ann Massey (L.D.)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Peter McCabe (1st Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Ellen Parry
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Poppy Annina Carr
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Janice and Adrian Roscoe
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Wendy O’Brien, Jimmy McCahy, Kath Stanton, Brian Boardman Jnr, Bill Hackett, Stuart Clark, Ruth O’Kane and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Evan Rothwell, Ann Massey and Daniel Jones; and those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Johnnie Jones, Edward Davies, Patricia Smith, Joan Barlow, Krystyna Pepper, Patricia Wood, Charlie Esser, Pat Crayton, Doris Vickers, Tony Shepherd, Terry Pealing, Luzia McDonough, Lexy Wilkinson, Winifred Challinor, Mary Hoban, Rita Duckers, John Haresnape. Joseph Doran, John O’Leary, Winifred Shaw, Arthur Biscaine, Brian Clegg, Barbara McKeown, Sheelagh Potter, John Oliphant, Charles Green, James McCleary, Pat Walsh, Vera Howard, Michael Davies, John Ruane, Doreen Nardini, Bridget Jennings and Debra Larkin. May They All Rest in Peace.
Live Streaming Link:
SVP: Countess of Chester Chaplaincy: 01244 364543.
St Werburgh’s is part of the Diocese of Shrewsbury: Registered Charity No 234025.
Safeguarding: Liz Aiello: 07813743723 and Chris Proudfoot: 07711495070
What a Christmas! I think we are all still in Recovery Mode after six fantastic celebrations, the church full every time. Numbers were very good last year, but even higher last week, with folk standing at the back more than once. Do numbers matter? Only in one sense, and they are never the whole story. For what they’re worth, with 2023 in brackets: 4.00 pm – 250 (250); 6.00 pm – 260 (200); 8.30 – 250 (180); Midnight – 250 (160); 9.00 am – 230 (200); 10.45 – 260 (180). So many people to thank: Tom and his wonderful singers and musicians for gracing every Mass with such beautiful music: our great Servers, many of whom served more than one Mass – thanks so much! Our Readers and Eucharistic Ministers; our Stewards and Welcomers. Our fantastic Joben Booking Agency. And everyone who gave our Wizziters such a Warm Werbies Welcome. (Alliteration! Wow!)
The Church’s season of Christmas finishes after the Baptism of the Lord: Sunday 12th January this year.
As 6th January is a Monday this year, it will be celebrated on the adjacent Sunday, always the rule when a Holyday is a Saturday or Monday.
If all goes according to plan, we will be starting the work on the Porch in early January. Watch this space for details.
Put the date in your diary and come and join us for an informal time of chat and laughter, coffee and wine, In the Day Chapel on Friday, 10th January from 7.00-9.00 pm. Everyone very welcome.
The Tree, decorated with your beautiful Prayer Stars, will be up until Sunday 12th January, your prayers continuing to twinkle in the lights for everyone entering our church.
We will be holding a Memorial Service here for Ann Massey on Saturday 4th January at 11.00 am. Everyone is warmly welcome to come along and celebrate her life and loves.
You are warmly invited to a County-Wide Christian Unity Service on Sunday 19th January 2025 at Hoole United Reformed Church, 3.00 pm. We will also be taking part in the usual Christleton, Rowton and Waverton Churches Together visit to each other’s Churches, hosting on Saturday 25th January at 12.00 noon.
When all the sealed bids were opened last Sunday, the winning bid was £260! This will be forwarded to Caritas, with hopes that the new owner will gain as much joy and fascination from it as the old owner did. Thanks, both!
The draw for the knitted Nativity was made by Gabriel O'Hanlon at the last Welcome Wednesday gathering. The winner was Ruth Tierney. Congratulations. The raffle raised £160 for CAFOD.
Also Sacred Heart Messengers for January - £1
We meet again on 8th January for a trip down Memory Lane with Ann Marie Curtis from our History Group.
We’re all ready for our next wonderful Werbies Theatre Trip, over to the magical Royal Exchange Theatre for a musical based on the early Pools Winner, Viv Nicholson. Thursday 2nd January. 11.52 Train from Chester, Day Return £22.90 or £15.25 with a Rail Card (strongly recommended!). Arrive Piccadilly 12.54. Stroll through the City Centre and a good look at the Theatre itself before the show begins at 2.30 pm. Curtain Down at 5.10*, and After Show Supper booked for 5.30 at Italian Restaurant at Piccadilly. 18.44 train back, or (more likely), the 19.45, knowing what some of you are like when a second glass of wine is on offer. Home to Chester 19.49 or 20.48. Huge thanks to Lats One & Two for all their work in booking these tickets and arranging the whole trip. It made one of them come over quite faint! [* It’s Theatre in the Round, you idiot – there isn’t any curtain. Ed]
A special, very quiet Mass at Midnight on Tuesday to see in the New Year and consecrate it to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And before you all ring me and text me and send emails to ask what time it begins: the answer is MIDNIGHT. OK?
Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives, Liz Aiello and Chris Proudfoot, will deliver Safeguarding Training at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 14th January. The aim is to increase Safeguarding awareness across the Parish to ensure a safe environment where everyone in the Parish can feel welcome. Training open to all.
Now out – on the News Stand - £5 each
The beautiful statue of the Holy Family moved round the parish, one night in each parishioner’s home, as an Advent Symbol of the journey of Mary, Joseph & Jesus to that stable in Bethlehem. Now home on the Altar.
I have to admit I was wrong where Live Streaming is concerned, initially quite opposed to it. But it’s proved an absolute winner, with people tuning into our Christmas Masses from all over the world. Welcome to the Wider Werbies Family, everyone!
One of a range of hills in Catalonia, and clear how it got its name when you look. Thanks, Mark! He’s off now to explore Catalonia with his new Fieldscope!