Saturday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Anne Blythin (L.D.)
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Jean and Geoff Hewson (Wedding Anniversary Remembrance)
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Keith Edwards (5th Anniversary)
12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Levi Anthony Culkin, our Youngest Wrinklie
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: For the People of Ukraine
Monday 21st March: Ferial: II Kings 5, 1-15; Psalm 41; Luke 4, 24-30
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Tony Kane (L.D.)
1.10 pm: University Chapel: University Mass – All Welcome.
6.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: First Holy Communion Commentary Mass
Tuesday 22nd March: Ferial: Daniel 3, 25-43; Psalm 24; Matthew 18, 21-35
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Rebecca Coriam (22nd March 2011)
1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Funeral Service for Jennifer Sherwood, late of Bulkeley
Wednesday 23rd March: Ferial: Deuteronomy 4, 1-9; Psalm 147; Matthew 5, 17-19
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Minnie Taylor (29th Anniversary)
Thursday 24th March: Ferial: Jeremiah 7, 23-28; Psalm 94; Luke 11, 14-23
10.00 am: Blacon: Funeral Service for Eileen Lloyd, late of Llay
12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Requiem Mass for Tony Austin Kaye, late of Saighton
Friday 25th March: The Annunciation of the Lord: Isaiah 7,10 - 8,10; Psalm 39; Hebrews 10, 4-10; Luke 1, 26-38
11.00 am: Blacon: Interment of Ashes for the late Evelyn Hughes
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Personal Intention (GS)
1.10 pm: Catholic High School Voluntary Lunchtime Mass
7.00 pm: Zoom Stations of the Cross
Saturday 26th March: Ferial: Hosea 5,15 – 6,6; Psalm 50; Luke 18, 9-14
10.30 - 12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Confessions
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mary Fazey (Birthday Remembrance)
Joshua 5, 9-12; Psalm 33; II Corinthians 5, 17-21; Luke 15, 1-32
Saturday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mary Fazey (Birthday Remembrance)
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Thomas Gidney (Anniversary 1972)
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Gregory Stuart Phillips (Birthday Remembrance)
12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Service for Renewal of Vows for Paula and Peter Farr’s 30th Anniversary
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Kevin and Dolores Coriam
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Neil Leicester, Brian Boardman Jnr, James Convey, Bill Hackett, Laura Chadwick, Elisabeth, Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Ruth O’Kane, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Evelyn Hughes, Jennifer Sherwood, Tony Core and Tony Austin Kaye; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Barbara McClean, Annie Owens, Essie Lawrie, Daniel Hogan, Frederick Mercer, Linda Wynne, Oscar Dubussy-Durgan, Dolly Huxley, Rita Williams, Patrick Walsh, Thomas Smith, Maria Bannister, Donald Tilston, William Paton, Karen Ash, Arthur Hedges, Mary Partington, Arthur Wright, Ted Finney, James Moore, Sarah Chamberlain, Peter Heaney, Magda Cumberford, Wendy Moore, Bill Dobbins and Bridie Williams. May They All Rest in Peace.
Now out, at the back of church. If you are a reader of perform any other Ministry for us, please sign up as soon as possible. Normal rotas are suspended for this week, and we rely on wolunteers. Do sign up.
Masks are now optional: up to each individual whether they wear one in church or not. We discussed the "no touching" Sign of Peace at the Parish Council and Liturgy Group last week, and the overwhelming feeling was to introduce it at each Mass. So, please make a sign of recognition, but without any physical contact at this stage, please.
We asked you to indicate your own priorities among the Ten Challenges Pope Francis set us all. Many thanks to all who took part. This is how you voted:
1st: That we should be a more LISTENING Church.
2nd: That, as a Church, we should SPEAK OUT more.
3rd: That we should centre our LITURGIES.
4th: That we measure how EFFECTIVE we’re being.
5th: That we should be clearer about our AUTHORITY.
6th: That we should be better at DECISION-MAKING.
7th: That we should better DIALOGUE with others.
8th: That we should have a clearer sense of MISSION.
9th: That we should be better at LEARNING.
10th: That we should work ECUMENICALLY.
So much food for thought here, everyone? And I hope this exercise will inform many of our decisions as a Parish in the months and years ahead.
Coming out of Covid and Consulting for the Synod both push us in the same direction: a major Parish Renewal in the Autumn. Today, 20th March, marks the Second Anniversary of the initial lockdown in 2020. What have we learnt about ourselves during this period? What needs to change? What parts of our life are we anxious to return to, and which should we do differently? What, for St Werburgh’s, will be the "New Normal"? Parallel to this, we have had the excellent Synod Consultation exercise, putting ourselves, as a Parish and as a Universal Church, under the microscope. First priority for all of us this summer is a jolly good holiday, please God. Then we come back in September and begin this root-and-branch process of Parish Renewal. Expect to hear a lot more about this in the weeks and months ahead.
Everyone is welcome and transport can be provided. After the service there will be refreshments and the opportunity for individual Confession for those who wish. Please contact Stephen on 07775781204 or Teresa on if you'd like to attend.
Good to have Gary with us, and we keep him in our prayers as he continues his training for the Priesthood down at Allen Hall Seminary in London.
Good to welcome seven couples here yesterday, 19th March, for their Marriage Preparation Day.
Out next week: please distribute far and wide.
(1) Tax Status
If you no longer pay income tax, please let Fr Paul or Denise Jones know by 5th April, otherwise it will be assumed that you have paid sufficient income tax for the Parish to claim Gift Aid on your donations for the tax year 2021/22. Thank you.
(2) Change of Address
Please let us know if you have changed your home address in the last 2 years.
(3) Offertory Envelopes 2022/23 - Reminder
If you have not yet collected your box, please take it as soon as possible. Thank you.
Joining the Gift Aid Scheme
If you pay income tax, joining the Gift Aid scheme increases the value of your donations to the Parish by 25% at no extra cost to you. If you’re interested in joining the scheme, contact FP or Denise Jones.
Please return on the Collection Plate. Thank you.
Monday 21st March at 6:30 pm in church. For all our First Holy Communion children and their families.
The situation there is desperate, as we see every day on our televisions and in our newspapers. Please use the website address above if you would like to make a contribution to the humanitarian relief effort.
Liz Aiello has done a wonderful job over the last few years, very much on her own. We are delighted that she is now to be joined by another excellent Werbie, Dr Chris Proudfoot. They will be our Safeguarding Officers jointly. Watch this space for more details.
This year, we are supporting WaterAid. During Lent, please put your spare change into a jam jar. Let’s see how much we can raise.
Many thanks to those who turned up last Tuesday and others who expressed an interest. It looks as if we now have the nucleus of a very useful Group.
Monday 21st March: Wesley Methodists
Friday 1st April: Vicars Cross URC
Wednesday 6th April: St Mary’s Church Handbridge
Rabbi Warren Elf will give a talk about the Jewish Passover in the Cathedral Refectory on Tuesday 5th April at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £5 and include light refreshments, from Cathedral Website: https://chestercathedral.ticket
Here in our church: only three places left!
Please email FP for the link. Everybody welcome.
Here we are at one of the Deponeo Graves in Blacon. Before we know where we are, it’ll be Nov 2022.