9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Alex Barnes
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Deceased Members of the Cummins and Noone families
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Cath Haslam
Monday 27th December: St John, Evangelist: I John 1, 1-4; Psalm 96; John 20, 2-8
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Emma and Tim
Tuesday 28th December: The Holy Innocents: I John 1,5 – 2,2; Psalm 123; Matthew 2, 13-18
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Michael Gallagher (L.D., Co Roscommon)
Wednesday 29th December: St Thomas Becket: Colossians 1, 24-29; Psalm 22; Luke 22, 24-30
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Malcolm Crowther (1st Anniv) and Margaret Haslam (Birthday Rem)
Thursday 30th December: Sixth Day of Christmas: I John 2, 12-17; Psalm 95; Luke 2, 36-40
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: The Old Nuisance (12th Anniversary)
Friday 31st December: Seventh Day of Christmas: I John 2, 18-21; Psalm 95; John 1, 1-18
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Tony Mayers, Kathleen Mayers and Neil Longridge
Saturday 1st January: Mary, Mother of God: Numbers 6, 22-27; Ps 66; Gal 4, 4-7; Luke 2, 16-21
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Gregory Phillips
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: New Year’s Intentions (Bro)
Ecclesiasticus 24, 1-12; Psalm 147; Ephesians 1, 3-18; John 1, 1-18
Saturday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: New Year’s Intentions (Bro)
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Malcolm Crowther (1st Anniversary)
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Austin Tighe (1st Anniversary)
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Barbara Hetherington (née Deponeo), L.D. Brisbane, Australia
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Duncan Steele, Brian Boardman Jnr, John McMahon, James Convey, Bill Hackett, Laura Chadwick, Elisabeth, Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Ruth O’Kane, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Brian McNicholas, Calogera Safina, Mary Miller and Joyce Garner; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Stanley Korn, Anne Weston, Kevin Ford, Tony Larkin, Theresa Sellers, Patrick Vallely, Florence Ratchford, Joan Hudson, Harry Graham, Mary Hughes, June Stoddart, Meg Ormsby-Knox, Margaret Davis, Pat Lloyd, Lilian Coathupe, Johanna Sheedy, Helen Woodworth, Brenda Blackwell, John Winder, Magda Kenworthy, Carol Pollard, Josephine Page, Margaret Doman, Agnes Cartwright, Mary Walsh, May Hogan, William Costello, Evelyn Weston, David Mooney, Michael Murphy, Ann Carruthers, Ralph Sherwin, Bernard Healey, Zygmunt Dowicz, Eileen Witter, Geoffrey Hargreaves, Helen Cadden, Robin Francis, John Moore, George Tomlins, Ronald Heveran, Peter Chesterman and Anne Teague. May They All Rest in Peace.
These are the numbers for our seven Christmas Masses this year:
Friday 24th, Christmas Eve
Saturday 25th, Christmas Day
Total: 940
An amazing total, and so good to see each and every one of you. Earlier in the week, most of the Masses were fully booked, all 160 places taken. So, some evidence of people changing their mind. Many thanks to those of you who let us know in time to allocate their tickets to others, and those who cancelled through the official website, which meant their tickets were automatically put back in the pot. For those of you who let us know too late to do anything about it, or who didn’t let us know at all... !!!!!
As ever, our stewards played a blinder, here for more than one Mass, checking people in, on hand to deal with enquiries, and then seeing everyone safely up to Holy Communion and back again. If there were medals to be given... You are all stars.
CAFOD is combining efforts with the DEC to launch the Afghanistan Crisis Appeal. In Afghanistan, 8 million people are on the brink of famine because of drought, collapsing economy, food shortages, conflict, and COVID. CAFOD is supporting sister Caritas agencies to reach communities most in need with food, clean water, and fuel. Let’s do all that we can to save lives. You can donate on the CAFOD website: cafod.org.uk/AfghanistanAppeal and please pray for the people of Afghanistan.
Many thanks to everyone who helped distribute our cards, far and wide, this year. Thank you!
Almost finished - just one to fix, which they’ll do after the holidays. Have you all seen the new lights outside the front door? Quite a difference!
We were saddened to hear news of the death of Fr Vincent, one of the great retired Spiritans living here in Hoole. May he rest in peace. His funeral on Thursday was a joyous occasion, a Gospel Chorus of Spiritans from Africa providing the music.
To support the work of the old Children’s Society now part of Caritas. Thanks, everyone!
Reopening on Sunday 30th January with a SALE of donated and pre-loved items. Thank you for your valued support during this extraordinary year. Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Paula & Bernice. (May be contacted during next six weeks at Mrs Peabody’s Guest House, South Shore, Blackpool. But it’s not all a holiday, as they do the washing up on Christmas Day and Boxing Day).
Many thanks to all our Readers, Counters, Collectors, the usual army of willing wolunteers (get that alliteration!) without which this Parish simply wouldn’t function. Wonderful Werbie Willing Wolunteers? [You can go too far at times, I hope you realise, you old bore. Ed]
For sale by a parishioner. Can be inspected at rear of church. Excellent condition and would be £800 new. Sealed offers to FP (your name, your contact details and your bid) by 20th December. Money to be donated to church funds. So... When the sealed bids were opened, the winning bid was £300, with the next highest £250. Delighted such a fine instrument has found a good home, and that Parish Funds are now £300 better off. Thanks, everyone!
Now arrived. On the Newsstand at the back of church, £5 each.
New editions of our popular little monthly magazines now also on the Newsstand: January’s Day by Day (£1) and Sacred Heart Messenger for January (£1.50).
One of the most famous paintings in the world, it’s a fresco on the wall of the northern corridor of the Upper Floor in the Convento di San Marco in Florence. Painted 1440-45, it was part of a commission to decorate the whole convent by Cosimo de’Medici. Written at the bottom of the painting are these words: "Virginis intacte Cum Veneris Ante Figuram Pretereundo Cave Ne Sileatur Ave". Which, translated from the German, means: "When you come before the image of the Eternal Virgin, take care that you do not omit to say a ‘Hail Mary’." Many thanks to Bunty and Bernard from Balmoral for sending it in after a recent trip to Florence. Not that I’m jealous in any way, of course... I mean, would I? Moi?