6.00 pm Saturday: St Werburgh’s: Susannah Timothy (14th Anniversary)
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Geraldine Pile
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Finn Abberton (Birthday and Anniversary)
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Dominic Carroll RIP (Month’s Mind)
Monday 20th December: Ferial: Isaiah 7, 10-14; Psalm 23; Luke 1, 26-38
9.20 am: Blacon: Funeral Service for Mary Miller, late of Malpas
10.30 am: St Columba’s: Requiem Mass for Calogera Safina, late of Newry Park
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Molly Massey (12th Anniversary)
Tuesday 21st December: Ferial: Song of Songs 2, 8-14; Psalm 32; Luke 1, 39-45
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Joseph Timothy (Anniversary)
Wednesday 22nd December: Ferial: I Samuel I, 24-28; Psalm I Samuel 2; Luke 1, 46-56
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Pat Maguire and Hilda Jones
Thursday 23rd December: Ferial: Malachi 3, 1-24; Psalm 24; Luke 1, 57-66
10.00 am: St Columba’s: Requiem Mass for Fr Vincent O’Toole, CSSp, late of Spiritans, Hoole
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: John and Trudy Axon
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Day Mass of Christmas Eve: Jones and Garbett Families
1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: St Werburgh’s: Nuptial Mass for Matt Tomkins and Sadie Larkin
4.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Children’s Mass of Christmas Eve (Fully Booked): Intentions of Graham
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Children’s Mass of Christmas Eve (Fully Booked): Celia Murphy
8.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Vigil Mass of Christmas: Pauline Hackett
11.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Carols and Midnight Mass: Matthew Robinson
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Dawn Mass of Christmas: Brian Boardman
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Day Mass of Christmas: Boulton and Fazey Families
11.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Day Mass of Christmas: Mike Griffiths (1st Anniversary)
Micah 5, 1-4; Psalm 79; Hebrews 10, 5-10; Luke 1, 39-44
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Alex Barnes
10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Deceased Members of the Cummins and Noone families
6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Cath Haslam
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Duncan Steele, Brian Boardman Jnr, John McMahon, James Convey, Bill Hackett, Laura Chadwick, Elisabeth, Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Ruth O’Kane, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Brian McNicholas, Calogera Safina, Mary Miller and Joyce Garner; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Johnnie Jones, Edward Davies, Patricia Smith, Joan Barlow, Krystyna Pepper, Patricia Wood, Charlie Esser, Pat Crayton, Doris Vickers, Tony Shepherd, Terry Pealing, Luzia McDonough, Lexy Wilkinson, Winifred Challinor, Mary Hoban, Rita Duckers, John Haresnape. Joseph Doran, John O’Leary, Winifred Shaw, Arthur Biscaine, Brian Clegg, Barbara McKeown, Sheelagh Potter, John Oliphant, Charles Green, James McCleary, Pat Walsh, Vera Howard, Michael Davies, John Ruane, Doreen Nardini and Bridget Jennings.
May They All Rest in Peace.
160 Maximum for each Mass. These are the numbers for how many have booked by Saturday Morning:
Friday 24th, Christmas Eve
Saturday 25th, Christmas Day
As there is still room at these other Masses, we will not be running a 12.00 noon Mass on Christmas Day.
Booking essential for all Masses, as numbers will be limited due to Social Distancing. Tickets will be issued, and no admittance without a ticket. Booking online (through the Parish website) or by telephone. If booking online, please go through the parish website and complete everything there.
CAFOD is combining efforts with the DEC to launch the Afghanistan Crisis Appeal. In Afghanistan, 8 million people are on the brink of famine because of drought, collapsing economy, food shortages, conflict, and COVID. CAFOD is supporting sister Caritas agencies to reach communities most in need with food, clean water, and fuel. Let’s do all that we can to save lives. You can donate on the CAFOD website: cafod.org.uk/AfghanistanAppeal and please pray for the people of Afghanistan.
On the table at the back of church – please help distribute them far and wide!
Almost finished – couple of days to go.
We were saddened to hear news of the death of Fr Vincent, one of the great retired Spiritans living here in Hoole. May he rest in peace.
A little reminder for those last-minute gifts is that our excellent parish Notelets (10 in packet) are still available at the special price of £2.00 per packet. Reopening on Sunday 30th January with a SALE of donated and pre-loved items. Thank you for your valued support during this extraordinary year. Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Paula & Bernice (May be contacted during next six weeks at Mrs Peabody’s Guest House, South Shore, Blackpool).
Now out at the back of church, for Readers, Welcomers, Collectors. Please sign up! We still need Readers for the 6.00 pm, and 11.00 am Masses, and Collectors for the 11.00 am. Any offers of help gratefully accepted!
For sale by a parishioner. Can be inspected at rear of church. Excellent condition and would be £800 new. Sealed offers to FP (your name, your contact details and your bid) by 20th December. Money to be donated to church funds
Now arrived. On the Newsstand at the back of church, £5 each.
New editions of our popular little monthly magazines now also on the Newsstand: January’s Day by Day (£1) and Sacred Heart Messenger for January (£1.50).
The church of Notre Dame de France is in Leicester Place, just off Leicester Square. The tapestry behind the Main Altar is by Dom Robert, a Benedictine Monk of En Calcat Abbey. It is on the theme of “Paradise on Earth”, with references to the Creation and the New Eve. The quotation is from Proverbs: “I was by his side like a master craftsman, ever at play in his presence.” Thanks to Martin O’B for sending it in.