9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Daphne Taylor (4th Anniversary)
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: David Woodbury (3rd Anniversary)
11.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Kate Curtis (2nd Anniversary)
12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Marie Roberts 75th Birthday Intentions
1.30 pm: Baptism of Martha Ellen May
Monday 24th May: Mary, Mother of the Church: Genesis 3, 9-20; Psalm 86; John 19, 25-27
1.00 pm: St Bede’s Widnes: Funeral Service for Peter Kelly
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: Intentions of Peter and Liz
Tuesday 25th May: Our Lady Help of Christians, Principal Patron of Shrewsbury Diocese
Proverbs 31, 10-31; Psalm Judith 13, 18-20; James 3, 13-18; Luke 1, 39-56
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: Brian Boardman
Wednesday 26th May: St Philip Neri: Ecclesiasticus 36, 1-17; Psalm 78; Mark 10, 32-45
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: Linda McLaughlin (L.D., Liverpool)
Thursday 27th May: Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest
Jeremiah 31, 31-34; Psalm 10; Mark 14, 22-25
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: Special Intention (GS)
Friday 28th May: Ferial: Ecclesiasticus 44, 1-13; Psalm 149; Mark 11, 11-26
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: David Johnson (L.D.)
Saturday 29th May: Ferial: Ecclesiasticus 51, 12-20; Psalm 18; Mark 11, 27-33
1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Wedding Service for Michael Dovey and Ellie Kitson
Fr Paul’s Private Mass Intention today: Estudita de Souza (L.D., Essex)
Deuteronomy 4, 32-40; Psalm 32; Romans 8, 14-17; Matthew 28, 16-20
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Alex Barnes
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Trudy Axon (7th Anniversary)
11.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Mick Fields (7th Anniversary)
12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Harry Teague (7th Anniversary)
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: John McMahon, James Convey, Pauline and Bill Hackett, Laura Chadwick, Elisabeth, Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Sheila Winder, Joe and Ruth O’Kane, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire; and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Fred Sargent, Sheila Austin, Gladys Read, Trudy Axon, Mary Abbate, Christine Farr, Denis Hughes, Terry Collier, Doreen Feely, John Keegan, Simon Reynard, Stan Hughes, Peter Caswell, Denis Mannion, Baby Joseph Anderson, Joan Clarke, Winifred Sexton, Eileen Dinwoodie, Joan Bell, Vincent Lennon, Richard Brown, Sylvia Jones and Michael Tougher. May They All Rest in Peace.
Better in recent weeks, with a more even distribution between the four Masses. Please remember that 9.00 and 11.00 are the two most popular. To be sure of a place at any of the Masses, please arrive in plenty of time. Thanks, everyone!
The main implication for churches of the announcement last Monday was for numbers at Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. For the first two, it is now 30; for Funerals, it is "the capacity of the individual venue", which, for St Werburgh’s, is about 80. But we will still need to operate a "Guest List only" for Funerals. Please don’t just turn up!
Pope Francis specifically calls for the praying of the Rosary across the world during the month of May. In the Holy Father’s vision this worldwide chain of prayer will proceed from the Marian shrines of the world. Our own national shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham has been given a pre-eminent place following the Vatican on the first day of May.
There’s been a great response for the first three weeks, numbers averaging about twenty. We’re not proud - we’ve welcomed friends from St Clare’s, St Francis, St Theresa’s and even St Carpark’s. Every Evening in May at 6.30 pm in the Front Garden for 20 minutes. Come and join us! We will pray together for an end to this world-wide pandemic. I’d like to think that everyone would come along for at least one of these Rosaries!
We were all sorry to hear the news of the death of Peter. He was the father of Mrs Cathy McKeagney, the Head of our Catholic High School. His Funeral is to be at St Bede’s Widnes on Monday at 1.00 pm, and I am pleased to be able to join Cathy and her family to represent St Werburgh’s and the School.
Good homes wanted! A parishioner has two nice kitchen tables, and a good playpen. Photos if you’d like them. Interested in any of them? Let FP know.
These camps used to be annual fixtures. I wonder, do they still take place? Here we are, at Llanrug in North Wales, fifty years ago. Recognise anybody?
Many thanks to Geoff for his fascinating talk last Wednesday week. Would anyone else have a Zoom Talk they’d like to give? Some very interesting offers have come in already. If you’ve a hobby or interest and can put together an illustrated Zoom Talk for about an hour, we’d love to hear from you.
The SVP nationally are exploring the possibility of having a centre in Birkenhead. Negotiations for the grant of the lease are ongoing and it will be necessary to make a planning application for change of use. The team who are working to get the project off the ground are seeking someone with experience of CAD who may be able to draw plans of the existing building to assist in submitting a planning application for change of use so the building can offer the provision of food and training. Anyone who could assist in drawing up the building plans please contact Rose Mullarkey on 07905 952798 or any SVP Member.
After being closed since Christmas Eve 2020 we are delighted to be able to announce that Chester's only dedicated Fair Trade shop will re-open for business on Tuesday 18th May. Located at the Wesley Methodist Church Centre in St John's Street we will initially open from 11.00 am - 2.00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, but hope to be able to open for more hours before too long. We would of course love to have your custom, but also very happy for you to call in to say hello and have a look at the wide range of goods we can offer. All of them supporting the principles of fair trade and benefiting producers, farmers and artisans around the world with a fair deal. You could also combine your visit with the chance to stop for a drink and snack in Wesley's Coffee shop which is also reopening the same day.
As you all remember, the Poor Clares left Hawarden two years ago to move in with the Nottingham community. Now they are needing to raise funds for work on their house there. They write:
We are doing a virtual pilgrimage to Walsingham (round the Garden). Our sisters are walking from Nottingham to Walsingham in pairs, 16,000 steps per pair, per day for the month of May. This is because our dear home in Nottingham has rather a lot of woodworm in the floorboards, holes in the roof, fungus on the ceilings, rusty pipes, eccentric electrics, defective heating and there are cracked sewers under the floorboard, which are full of woodworms... Like St Francis of old we are going to have to rebuild - and it will take more than we have... If you would like to help our sisters, please go to our rebuilding blog www.nottsnuns.co.uk to sponsor a nun...