Habakkuk 1,2 – 2,4; Psalm 94; II Timothy 1, 6-14; Luke 17, 5-10
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: John and Sarah Collins
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Alex Barnes (22nd Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Nadia and Willy Pegna
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Felix Michael Firkins
Sunday 1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Harry Samuel James Knights
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of Sheila Ehlen
Monday 7th October: Our Lady of the Rosary: Jonah 1,1 – 2,11; Psalm Jonah 2; Luke 10, 25-37
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Julie McCarthy (10th Anniversary)
1.05 pm: University Chapel: University Mass – All Welcome!
Tuesday 8th October: Ferial: Jonah 3, 1-10; Psalm 129; Luke 10, 38-42
10.00 am: Primary School: Harvest Mass
11.15 am: Overleigh: Interment of Ashes for the late Mary Carrier
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: John and Vera Clyne
7.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Confirmation Class Five
Wednesday 9th October: Ferial: Jonah 4, 1-11; Psalm 85; Luke 11, 1-4
9.30 am: St Werburgh’s: Intentions of J
7.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Bible Talk 2: “Catholic Bible Translation: What are the Raw Materials?”
Thursday 10th October: Ferial: Malachi 3, 13-20; Psalm 1; Luke 11, 5-13
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Rita Davies (L.D., Hoylake)
Friday 11th October: Ferial: Joel 1,13 – 2,2; Psalm 9; Luke 11, 15-26
10.00 am: Blacon: Funeral Service for John Campbell, late of Bakers Court, Steam Mill Street
11.00 am - 12.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Jack Borrows 90th Birthday Intentions
Saturday 12th October: Ferial: Joel 4, 12-21; Psalm 96; Luke 11, 27-28
10.00 am: HMP Berwyn: Mass for Prisoners and Visitors (Fr Paul)
10.30 am – 12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Confessions (Fr Neill)
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Joseph Carey (Anniversary)
II Kings 5, 14-17; Psalm 97; II Timothy 2, 8-13; Luke 17, 11-19
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Joseph Carey (Anniversary)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Jean Hewson (L.D.)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Alan Harrison (L.D.)
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Helena-Grace Curry
Sunday 3.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Marian Hour for October
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mick Fields
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Elisabeth, Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Sheila Winder, Heather Lannin, James Catterson, Joe and Ruth O’Kane, Henri Diacono, James Donovan, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire; and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially John Campbell; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: Pauline Collins, Eric Peckham, Gilda Mansutti, Jean Gill, Gertrude Whorrall, Owen Scanlan, Mark Long, Ann Williams, Andrew Emmett, Edmund Dowling, Margaret Reddy, Joseph Adams, Olwen Turner, James Barlow, Annie Jones, Patricia Maddock, Monica Concannon, Francis McFarlane, Jack Woods, Eric Fenton and George Ward. May They All Rest in Peace.
This Tuesday: Class 5 – What is the Mass?
Many thanks to everyone who helped set up the Exhibition last week, and to all those who’ve been to see it so far. It’s in two parts: a wide selection of different Bibles for you to look at; and Posters illustrating different aspects of the Bible on the blue Display Boards. So far, we’re showing the first of a display of Old Testament Books, and one on the New Testament; plus “Art and the Bible”, and one on some of the men and women who’ve been influential in bringing the Bible to us today. Do have a look! Our church is to be open every morning from 10.00 am till Sacristans arrive at 11.30: could you help by being a Steward any morning? List at back!
Last Wednesday, we looked at the question of why Bible Translation was such a controversial, polemic subject over the centuries. This week: what are the raw materials we work with when translating the Bible, the original texts and languages? All very welcome! 7.30 pm.
Thanks to everyone for their great support.
Take an envelope from the back of church and return it on the Collection Plate.
Not too late to make your contribution if you’ve not already done so. Gift Aid envelopes available – but do please remember to fill out your details and SIGN it, or we can’t claim!
Huge audience thoroughly enjoyed Philip’s Recital on Friday. Next on? Cathedral Nave Choir on Friday 8th November, 7.30 pm
If you know of anyone that you feel would like to join please email svpchester@gmail.com or call Stephen Perry, 07775-781-204 for info.
Monday 7th October, 7.00 pm, in the Parish House. Everyone welcome, whatever your particular interest in this vital area.
Two good’uns have wolunteered, so many thanks, everyone.
Good to be over there last Monday to represent St Werburgh’s and the Catholics: and to see the Patron of the Living presenting the new Rector to the Bishop – Hugh, 7th Duke of Westminster, a lovely young man, as he takes up his father’s mantle in all the many, many good works the family do in our city and area. Our prayers and best wishes go with him.
Both the Sacristy Bell and the Altar Bell have been beautifully refurbished and renovated, part of our Diocesan Appeal Minor Works List. Have a good look at both today before they go back into daily use.
Our premium Christmas cards and gifts are now in stock. Unique for this year are Christmas Cards made by contemplative Nuns from the Carmelite Monastery, Quidenham, Norfolk. The cards are the result of the talent and hard work of many of the Sisters, and the sales generated are the monastery's primary source of income. Please come and browse.
Our Lady’s Ellesmere Port, 10.30-2.00 pm. Both Fr Neill and I will be going, to represent St Werburgh’s.
Continuing the excellent work we started before the summer, our first two priorities being Working at Height, and Fire Safety.
Residential Retreat at St Winefride’s Guest House, Holywell, Friday 25th – Sunday 27th October. Anonymous donations of £120 welcome. Details: Siobhan Cartwright (0161-477-2783 / siobhanbc@gmail.com
Tuesday 22nd October, 7.00 pm at St Clare’s: to give thanks for 30 years of support and work for Overseas Aid. Refreshments afterwards: everyone welcome to join us!
Dominique and Nathalie will be available at all Masses on 26th / 27th October to collect the contents of your Caritas boxes. Please bring monies in a strong plastic bag or envelope, clearly marked with your name. Opportunity to sign up if you wish to become a box holder. Thank you very much.
1. Brass Band Concert at Saltney Tavern, Sat 12th Oct, 7.30. Tickets £5. Anyone like to join me?
2. Bob Owens, our excellent friend, is giving an Organ Recital on Monday 21st October at St Giles Church, Wrexham at 12.30 pm, in memory of his beloved late wife, Linda.
Signing up list for the three events at back of church.
Purple sheets for ALL our students to leave us their details at back of church. Every student, at Chester or elsewhere, Catholic or not, very warmly welcome to join us for these Sunday Evenings of fun and fellowship. Flyers out for distributing far and wide.
One pair has wolunteered: any more out there??
Out in beautiful Spain. Shall we run a Caption Competition for what the two Priests are saying?