Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Wright and Maxwell Family Intentions
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Liz Allison (10th Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Denis Hickey (12th Anniversary)
Sunday 1.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Wedding Service for Mark Cadwallader and Lucy Tudor
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Diaconate Ordination Intentions – Rev Karen Andrews
Monday 1st July: Ferial: Genesis 18, 16-33; Psalm 102; Matthew 8, 18-22
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Kate Curtis (L.D.)
Tuesday 2nd July: Ferial: Genesis 19, 15-29; Psalm 25; Matthew 8, 23-27
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Edward’s Graduation Thanksgiving
Wednesday 3rd July: St Thomas, Apostle: Ephesians 2, 19-22; Psalm 116; John 20, 24-29
10.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Paul Connor (L.D., Bromborough)
Thursday 4th July: Ferial: Genesis 22, 1-19; Psalm 114; Matthew 9, 1-8
11.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Private Intention (JA)
Friday 5th July: Ferial: Genesis 23,1 – 24, 67; Psalm 105; Matthew 9, 9-13
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Jean Bijoux (L.D., Mauritius)
Saturday 6th July: Ferial: Genesis 27, 1-29; Psalm 134; Matthew 9, 14-17
10.30 am – 12.00 noon: St Werburgh’s: Confessions
11.00 am: La Fresneda, Spain: Nuptial Mass for Tobias Kärst and Isabel Arbonés-Gonzales
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Intentions of Tobias and Isabel
Isaiah 66, 10-14; Psalm 65; Galatians 6, 14-18; Luke 10, 1-20
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Intentions of Tobias and Isabel
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Molly Franks (10th Anniversary)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: John Burns (L.D., Grantham)
Sunday 12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Catenians’ Annual President’s Mass
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mick Fields
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Stuart Clark, Keith Hayes, Sheila Winder, Heather Lannin, James Catterson, Ruth O’Kane, Henri Diacono, James Donovan, Garth Stocking and Kevin Maguire; and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Sylvia Jones; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: David Jordan, Joanne Quinn, Patrick Nugent, Molly Franks, Esther Doran, John Molloy, Yvonne McCabe, Janina Dabrowska, Muriel Arthur, Gary Roberts, Michelangelo Apollonio, Margaret Cullen, Maurice Townson, James Mullen, Christine Ashford, Brenda Davies, Marie Vurens, Angelina Berresford, Eric Walsh and Mary Roden. May they all Rest in Peace.
100% turn-out for the recent series of six Review Meetings – well done, everyone! We actually did some practice in Church this time, all of us sitting right at the back, and appreciating how far away it is from the Pulpit. We have 40 on the Readers’ Rota at present, but always room for more if anyone would like to join us.
What a fantastic achievement after his life-changing accident in October 2017! I know you are all as proud of him as I am. I’m going for the Graduation on Tuesday morning, back that evening. Delighted to take any cards or messages with me. Leaving here Monday pm.
You will remember that we supported the Diocesan Appeal magnificently, and that a third of what we raised was for our own Parish use. The Major Project is the remodelling of the outside front of the church, and we are ready now to pick up on that scheme. We also had a list of “Minor Works”, items we would like to have but which would stretch our annual Budget. Some of these we have purchased already, others we’re ready to consult you, the parishioners, about. Full details coming soon!
On 20th July Ruth Tierney and her daughters, Clare and Madeleine, are taking part in a 26-mile hike in the Lake District organised by the Alzheimer's Society. They are doing the hike in memory of Ruth's mother, Gill. Ruth will be at the back of church after each Mass on Sunday 14th July if you would like to sponsor them. Anyone interested in hiking themselves, either the full 26 miles or the 13-mile option? Deadline for enrolling is 5th July. More information on or Ruth, 07790-133-837.
Chester Across Group require another nurse (or Doctor) to travel overland to Lourdes. We take ten sick and disabled people and recruit a team of helpers. We stay in a four-star Hotel. Dates Thu 29th August to Sat 7th September. Cost £475 but help available. For further information, Tony Murphy on 07881656974. and Facebook Liverpool & Chester Across
These two have done so much for St Werburgh’s: Tobi was on the Parish Council for three years and has taken so many fabulous photos for us. Isabel has written the whole Confirmation Programme and helps lead it superbly. Without them, CathSoc would never have got off the ground in 2011. Very honoured to go out to Spain for their wedding, leaving here Thursday lunchtime and back straight after the Ceremony on Saturday evening.
Time now to start getting those dates in for next Diary Year, September 2019 to July 2020!
On the Notice Board at back of Church.
Up at the Mersey View in Frodsham. Always a wonderful occasion: many thanks to SVP for organising it, and to all parishioners’ generosity in making it possible.
Stewart Smith’s ‘Concert of Classical Favourites’: Oliver Smith (Flute & Voice), Henry Smith (Tuba, Piano & Organ), Colin Waker (Violin), Sam Tomlins (Piano) & Stewart Smith (Organ). 5th July at 7.30.
Our own Jim Strain is President this year, and we are delighted to be hosting his President’s Mass next Sunday at 12.15 pm.
Many thanks to everyone for making this such a happy occasion last Sunday – to Louise, Helen and Bernie (Catechists) and to Music Group especially.
We’ll have TWO Launch Meetings, Tuesday 9th and Tuesday 16th, 7.00 pm, so that parents and candidates can come to one of them.
Many thanks to Anne Marie and Gerry for all their input on this great week in our City’s year.
Our very good friend Michael is putting on a concert here on Friday 26th July at 7.30, “The Sounds of Stage and Screen – A Light-hearted Evening of Well-Known Music”. Tickets £10, including refreshments, from the Parish Office.
Karen and David Andrews have been wonderful friends of St Werburgh’s for over seven years now. Karen was Church Warden at St Peter’s Waverton, and a real supporter of Churches Together in Waverton and Christleton. As you know, they have a very musical and talented son – how’s Matthew getting on, by the way? – and Karen has been preparing for Ordination as a Deacon in the Church of England for the past two years. The Big Day is in Chester Cathedral Sunday 30th June. We send her very best wishes and hope she might be able to come to St us soon and tell us a little of her story.
Over the last few weeks, Fr Neill has taken the Homily to tell us all a little about himself, and his Faith Journey to the happy day of his Ordination. Copies at back of church.
A question I’m asked so often, with tears in your eyes; “FP, when are you going on holiday? Please?” Be patient, my children: it’s Tuesday 20th August to Thursday 5th September. Milan, here we come!
Patron Saint of Catalonia, a striking statue in the Basilica there. Thanks, Frances! The co-Patron of Catalonia is St George. Fascinating!