Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Pedro Ballester (L.D.)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Joan Baxter (L.D.)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Graham Parry
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Rachael Andrews (9th Anniversary)
Monday 5th February: St Agatha: I Kings 8, 1-13; Psalm 131; Mark 6, 53-56
8.00 am: Poor Clares Hawarden: Intentions of SW
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Vincent Lea (Anniversary 1997)
1.05 pm University Chapel: University Mass - All Welcome!
Tuesday 6th February: St Paul Miki and Companions: I Kings 8, 22-30; Psalm 83; Mark 7, 1-13
8.00 am: Poor Clares Hawarden: Special Intention
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Charlene Huang (L.D., Singapore)
Wednesday 7th February: Ferial: I Kings 10, 1-10; Psalm 36; Mark 7, 14-23
8.00 am: Poor Clares Hawarden: Intentions of MP
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mrs. Kodiek
Thursday 8th February: Ferial: I Kings 11, 4-13; Psalm 105; Mark 7, 24-30
9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Ray Astbury (5th Anniversary)
Friday 9th February: Ferial: I Kings 11,29 - 12,19; Psalm 80; Mark 7, 31-37
11.00 am - 12.00 noon: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12.15 pm: St Werburgh’s: Dylan Brown
Saturday 10th February: Ferial: I Kings 12,26 - 13,34; Psalm 105; Mark 8, 1-10
10.30 am - 12.00 noon St Werburgh’s: Confessions
12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Henry John Mulhall
6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Eileen Morgan (L.D.)
Leviticus 13, 1-46; Psalm 31; I Corinthians 10,31 - 11,1; Mark 1, 45-45
Saturday 6.00 pm: Rowton Methodists: Eileen Morgan (L.D.)
Sunday 9.00 am: St Werburgh’s: Janette Doherty (L.D.)
Sunday 10.45 am: St Werburgh’s: Elizabeth and Pat Doyle, and family (Ireland)
Sunday 12.30 pm: St Werburgh’s: Baptism of Francis Michael Jones
Sunday 6.00 pm: St Werburgh’s: Mick Fields
Your prayers are asked for the following who are sick: Ruth O’Kane, Iris Philp, James Donovan, Garth Stocking, Ann McGowan-Scanlan, Mary Lyons, Kevin Maguire, Christine Davies, Michael Morton; and for all the sick of the Parish; and for those who have died recently, especially Carole Pollard, Finn Abberton, Joan Baxter, Norah Douglas, Maureen Middleton and Marie Gilmovitch; and for those whose anniversaries occur about this time: George Griffiths, Mary Le Gallez, Bridget Cullen, Arthur Barlow, Winifred Collins, Amelia Sanders, Richard Baxter, William Banks, Joan Roberts, Keith Ferguson, Patricia Pickering, Barbara McNay, Neil Roddy, John Conroy, William Lucas, Jane Molloy, Patrick Kavanagh, Thomas Lynch, Pat Williams, William Wright, Dorothy Costello, Gordon Ierston, Anthony Cooney, Maria Przeworski, Bernard Bamford, Kathleen Kennedy, Sarah Murphy, Joseph Lohinski, Helen Moreton, Basil Patterson, Kathleen O’Connell, Bette Cummings, Lilian Catherall, Grace Moore, Celine Little, Catherine Pate, Maurice Shanley and Miep Clarke. RIP.
Not a Holyday of Obligation, but a day on which most Catholics like to try to get to Mass. So, the usual three here: 7.30 am, 12.15 pm and 7.30 pm, all with Imposition of Ashes. You are expected, of course, to attend all three...
Wednesday Night, 7.00 pm at Frankie and Benny’s, for all our Candidates and Catechists - see you all there! (Any more pre-orders to FP as soon as possible, please).
Leaving here Monday morning 19th and back Thursday evening 22nd. Total cost £150, all inc. We join the Monks for Praying the Office whenever possible, have a Talk from one of the Monks each morning, a walk out in the afternoon, including a stroll over to the Nuns at Stanbrook to see their incredible new Monastery. And possibly, one evening, some Psalm Singing... TWO places left if anyone wants to join us.
Meeting at 2.00 pm in the Parish House, followed at 3.00 pm by parcelling up the fifteen or so Presentations Copies of our "War Torn Parish” Book, to send off to all those who’ve helped us and all local Dignitaries. Still on sale today - £10 softback and £20 hardback.
On the Newsstand today, £1 each.
A lovely photo from last June’s Thanksgiving Mass. And, with our First Forgiveness Celebration last Saturday such a joyous occasion, we’re motoring on to this May, when all our children will be making their First Holy Communions, and June, when they all come together for their Thanksgiving Mass. Where does the time go to?
St Columba’s Parish Hall. A night of musical entertainment to support the Chester and Ellesmere Port SVP Holiday Home. Tickets £10 on sale after all Masses.
All the parishes of Chester and Ellesmere Port.
Our CathSoc students are having a bake sale next Sunday, February 11th. They will be selling their cakes and Biscuits after each of the three Sunday Masses. This is to raise money for our chosen charity, which every Student Society at the University is obliged to do as part of being a recognised Student Society.
Thank you for all the books that have been donated this past year. The bookcases are now overflowing so let’s get some of them out, into our homes. Also, an Encyclopaedia Britannica, which we would like to go to a good home.
If there are any couples in the parish who are celebrating significant wedding anniversaries during the course of 2018 and who would like to receive an invitation from the Bishop to participate in the Annual Diocesan Mass for the Celebration of Marriage at Our Lady and St Christopher’s, Romiley on Saturday 10th February at 12 noon, please let FP know.
Our usual jolly social down at the club - free buffet, free first drink (you’ll have to buy the other ten yourself), irritating FP Quiz - what’s not to like? Tickets available this weekend.
To clean the House and two Church Toilets. Six hours a week. See FP for further details.
Not too late to donate if you missed last week.
Three Bridges Walk and Psalm Singing in the Boathouse. All students welcome to join us!
To support a local refugee family with: a wardrobe, a desk and chair, bunkbeds and two second-hand laptops. Please contact St Werburgh’s SVP on
The SVP has placed a white box at the back of the church, near the SVP stand, to collect unwanted mobile phones and used printer cartridges (branded only). These items can then be sold to support further the SVP Holiday Home replacement fund.
The 2018/19 envelopes are available at the back of church. If you use envelopes, please collect yours as soon as possible. Thank you.